A blog to know more about Christ Jesus.

Healing is for us

Know that it is God’s will to heal. It is impossible to have real faith in healing if there is the slightest doubt as to whether it is not God’s will. It is not God’s will for us to be sick. It is God’s will for us to be well.

You are well on the way to hell all by yourself unless you repent of your ways and turn to the truth, which is God’s truth. You won’t need the devil’s assistance to get to hell. 

DISCERNMENT is one of the many gifts we receive from the Holy Spirit.Discerning of spirits is the supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to perceive the source of a spiritual manifestation and determine whether it is of God

A corporation was started and personnel were sought out from every corner of the world.

The corporation was to be for the benefit of all. Everything needed, including all benefits needed for abundant living was provided. The benefit that the CEO/Pres. would get would be fellowship with his people in this corporation.

When we were in the world, we were alive physically but spiritually dead. Spiritually dead means separation from God; that is when we are disobedient, depraved, and doomed. When we were in the world, we were alive in body, yet we were spiritually dead. —– “Alive but dead.”

The Devil comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. He is not your friend, but he pretends that he is. He will do whatever it takes to keep you from God.

When we were in the world, we belonged to Satan, for he is the Prince of this world. So, where does spiritual warfare come from? It starts when Satan wants us back to our old lifestyle. When we came to Christ, that is when the war started, and it is between you and Satan, and not between Satan and God.

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