About Us

Evangelist Henry Miranda

Evangelize for Jesus Ministries is a Christian organization that believes in the centrality of conversion, the born-again experience gained at salvation, and the authority of the Bible as God’s revelation to humanity, as well as a strong commitment to evangelism and sharing the Christian message. Evangelist Henry Miranda lives in Ontario, California. He is an Evangelist, Guest speaker, Bible teacher, and author, and With the Holy Spirit’s help, has written 12 Life changing non-fiction, religious books. Graduated from La Puente High School in 1963 Became a Christian in 1984. In 2003 God anointed Evangelist Henry Miranda with the gift of an evangelist and the gifts of healing and deliverance. Evangelist Henry Miranda completed four years of Bible College and earned a Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree @ Christian Leadership University. Evangelist Henry Miranda was born in Houston Texas he has four daughters, 12 Grandchildren, and 13 great- Grand Children

Evangelize for Jesus Ministries is an Evangelical Outreach to reach people who are broken, hurting, and desperate from all walks of life and show them the true meaning of their life with Jesus. Without Jesus, this world is a very dark place. Many of those precious souls breathe their last breath Without ever finding Jesus.

Peace can only be found in Jesus; he answers all life problems. Only in, by, with, and through Jesus can you spend eternity with God in heaven. Every person’s life has an end, depending on what road they traveled, either the narrow road that leads to Jesus or the wide road that leads to destruction. A choice Must be made, or the choice Will be made for you.  Following Jesus is a decision that must be made before it is too late.

Evangelist Henry Miranda was born in Houston, Texas. He graduated from La Puente High School in 1963 and became a Christian in 1984. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry from Christian Leadership University. In 2003, God anointed him with the gift of an evangelist and the gifts of healing and deliverance. He currently lives in Ontario, California as a renowned guest speaker, bible teacher, and author. Through the Holy Spirit’s help, Evangelist Henry Miranda has written 12 life-changing non-fiction religious books. He has four daughters, 12 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you require a guest speaker.
Evangelist Henry Miranda

What Evangelize for Jesus Ministries Believes

Evangelize for Jesus Ministries is a Christian organization that believes in the centrality of conversion, the born-again experience gained at salvation, and in the authority of the Bible as God’s revelation to humanity, as well as a strong commitment to evangelism, and sharing the Christian message.

Evangelize for Jesus Ministries exists to reach people from all walks of life and show them the true meaning of their life with Jesus. Peace can only be found in Jesus; HE is the answer to all of life’s problems. Only in, by, with, and through Jesus can you spend eternity with God in heaven. Every person’s life has an end. Following Jesus is a decision that must be made before it is too late.

 We are here to help, if you have any concerns, or just need prayer, please don’t hesitate to let us know. 




— My Past Life

I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. When I was about seven years old, my parents divorced. My mother could only afford to live in the projects, also to be close to my grandparents, who lived in the projects and to call on them for help on occasion. My mother struggled to raise me without a father figure. My mother frequently relied on my grandparents and close relative to discipline me.

As a twelve-year-old teenager, moving in with my brother in Los Angeles was a brilliant idea for me after my brother decided that it would be best for me to live with him to avoid trouble, as I frequently get into trouble. I was completely wrong. Due to the special bond and helpful relationships I had with my friends and family in Texas, I began to miss them. Even though I had relatives on my father’s side, being alone was a bad experience for me. It’s not the same as growing up with the same people. I was constantly alone. I became involved with drugs and binge drinking. When you can’t get what you want, you have the wrong mindset.


— The Story of my Change

Nobody was home when I got home from work that day. I began to drink my depression away, as was my usual practice. I was still lonely, I decided to see a friend. He lived approximately twenty miles away. When a drinking buddy is required, distance is irrelevant. We consumed approximately two six-packs of beer, smoked marijuana, and took pills. We had a custom back then: when he came to visit me, I would get him a six-pack for the road, and he would do the same when I came to visit him.

I decided to pick up another six-pack on my way home. I only had one with me and one at home; I can’t risk running out. I went to the store and bought the beer. I passed the candy section on my way to the checkout. I don’t steal, but I decided to pick one up and put it in my pocket despite having the money to pay for it. Regardless, I stole it.

The road’s downward incline made it easy to pick up speed while driving. I had a bad habit of driving fast, and the downhill road fueled the fire. I began to open the candy and completely forgot about the road. . I smashed into an embankment so hard that the A-frame, tire, and all, came off.

I wanted to get away from the accident. I opened the door, picked up the entire tire and A-frame assembly, and tossed them into the back of the truck, ready to flee as quickly as possible before anyone noticed. I was too inebriated to notice that the truck couldn’t go on three tires. But that didn’t stop me from trying to flee. I tried to re-enter by opening the door, but it wouldn’t budge.

The impact of the accident was described as a sound of thunder or a cannon. I had a lot to lose if I went to jail for driving drunk and recklessly. I knew this was the last thing my wife would put up with before saying good-bye.


— My Story of my Change 2

I had no idea that God had already set everything in motion for my salvation. God’s mercy and favor had a profound effect on my life. He was in command of everything. At the station, I stepped on a Pebble and sprained my ankle while speaking with the officer in charge of making the accident report, I heard a voice say to me, “THAT’S HOW EASY YOU CAN GET HURT.”

That’s when I realized I didn’t have a single scratch or bruise on me. I’d hit the wall at around 40 or 50 miles an hour ago, and the extension ladder chain  attached to the truck broke immediately after it hit the wall. I should have died or been seriously injured. God spared my life also prevent any injuries to show his wonderful power.

God was changing my life exactly as my wife had always requested in her prayers.

I remember having this dream one night; I saw myself standing in a huge line. I did not understand what I was doing there. There were about three rows full of people. It was so long that I could not see the end of the line. On getting to the front of the line, I saw Jesus on the right and Satan on the left. Satan was the most hideous thing I had ever seen.

I woke up scared that I stopped drinking for a week. It was not long before I returned to my old self. The next morning, I knew my wife was upset with me to the point where I was afraid to talk to her for fear of escalating into a big fight and her leaving me. I decided to call Alcoholics Anonymous to show her that I was making an effort to change. I looked them up in the phone book and called them, but they were in the middle of a meeting. I didn’t want to go alone, so I begged my wife to join me. I had never been to one of their meetings, so I had no idea what to expect.

My wife has always been by my side, and we have always traveled together. They said a prayer that moved me to tears. “God grant me the SERENITY to accept what I cannot change, the COURAGE to change what I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference,” he said. This prayer stayed with me.

My brother invited me to his church as Mother’s Day approached. I figured responding to the invitation would please my wife, so I told him we’d accompany him. I had a really good feeling in church but couldn’t figure out why. The Pastor inquired if anyone wished to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.

I considered it, but I had too many problems at the time which I wanted to deal with on my own before starting over with the Lord.

I had no idea that God had other plans for my life. I considered asking my wife to return home without me and remain at the service. That was my turning point: seeing Jesus with his hands open, ready to take me into his arms. That night, I gave my heart to the Lord and was consumed with an unknown desire to jump up and down, but I was too embarrassed to do so and tried to keep myself from doing so. The force was so strong that I began speaking in an unknown language and danced in the Spirit.

Why do we ignore warnings when they are given to us? God tries so hard to get us to listen, but we’re too busy doing our own thing.


— My Change

In 1984, I became a Christian and was called to be an Evangelist. I, like Jonah, fled from my responsibilities. I heard the Lord tell me to get off the fence during a church service. What a shock! I thought I was doing well; I wasn’t committing any known sins.

Then I remembered that I had been evading my calling. I had been like Jonah, fleeing from God’s plan for my life. When we refuse to follow the Lord, we forfeit our lives. We should not live to please ourselves, but to please our heavenly father in heaven. Isn’t that what Jesus says all the time? I only do my father’s will and say only what he wants me to say (John 5:19). I was disobedient even though I thought I was serving the Lord. Examine your heart to see if you are where God wants you to be.

It is critical to share the Gospel (personalities) rather than simply discussing it. People need to know about Jesus and what He accomplished for us.

God inspired me to write Christian books in 1999. Anyone who has written a Christian book understands the importance of thoroughly reading the Bible to find the appropriate verses. God gave me this ministry, and I do nothing apart from my Heavenly Father’s will. It is never too late to take up the mantel that God has given you and do the work that God has planned for you. God deserves praise for never abandoning us.

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